Summer School within the framework of the EU project LOTHERM has the goal to give an up-to-date introduction and overview of experimental techniques and theoretical approaches as well as results concerning the challenging physics of quantum spin systems.
The School is primarily devoted to PhD students and young researchers working and interested in the subject but is expected to be stimulating also for senior experts. Applications outside the LOTHERM project are welcome and participants will be able to present also their contribution in the poster session.
List of Speakers
- Denis Arcon (Ljubljana) - NMR investigations in metals and magnetic systems
- Federico Becca (Trieste) - Quantum spin liquids
- Stephen Blundell (Oxford) - Muon experiments in spin systems
- Sebastian Eggert (Kaiserslautern) - Disorder and impurities in spin systems
- Fabian Essler (Oxford) - Field Theory Approach to Dynamics of Gapped Quantum Spin Chains
- Fabian Heidrich-Meisner (Munich) - Numerical methods for low-dimensional quantum spin systems
- Thomas Lorenz (Koeln) - Thermodynamic properties of low-dimensional spin systems
- Tomaz Prosen (Ljubljana) - Non-equilibrium quantum transport in open spin chains
- Christian Ruegg (Zurich) - Neutron scattering in magnetic systems
- Mathieu Le Tacon (Stuttgart) - Inelastic X-ray scattering investigations of magnetic excitations
- Sergei Zvyagin (Dresden) - Electron Spin Resonance in High Magnetic Fields