Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) LOTHERM
"Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnets For Thermal Management"

LOTHERM contract number: PITN-GA-2009-238475 | duration: 1 October 2009 - 30 September 2013

Thermal management in innovative technology is a major problem to be solved, especially in novel electronic devices, such as further miniaturized microchips, hard disks and interfaces between biological structures (e.g. nerve cells) and semiconductor microstructures. In this Initial Training Network (ITN) we will train young researchers through an experimental/technological and theoretical approach to the application of a new highly efficient magnetic mode of thermal conduction for thermal management. This magnetic heat transport was discovered by members of this consortium and occurs in novel quasi-one dimensional insulating oxides.

The crucial point of this project is that around room temperature the magnetic heat conductivity (of the order 100 W/Km) is as efficient as metallic heat conduction. Moreover, compared to conventional materials with high thermal conductivity, these novel compounds offer essential advantages:

  • they are electrically insulating
  • heat is conducted primarily along one direction
  • heat is carried by localized spins which could allow for tunable heat conductivity at room temperature by manipulation of the spins with magnetic fields or light

Our scientific goal of exploiting this novel mode of heat transport for thermal management will be the basis for the research training in this ITN, which consists of 7 academic and 2 industrial partners. In order to tackle this scientific challenge in an multidisciplinary approach (physics, chemistry, materials science, computational science, electronic media), the fellows in our ITN will be trained on cutting edge experimental and theoretical techniques. In addition to training-through-research, the fellows will receive individual and collective training measures covering both scientific and complementary skills. We are especially dedicated to applying state-of-the-art training through electronic media which will reinforce the effectiveness and availability of training within this ITN.

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